German Language Levels and Exams

German Language Levels

The following description of the different levels is from the Goethe Institute. The description of the levels follows the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) which is an international standard for measuring the level of proficiency in many foreign languages, including German.

Can understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences, which relate to the satisfying of concrete needs. Can introduce him/herself and others as well as ask others about themselves – e.g. where they live, who they know and what they own – and can respond to questions of this nature. Can communicate in a simple manner if the person they are speaking to speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.

Can understand sentences and commonly used expressions associated with topics directly related to his/her direct circumstances (e.g. personal information or information about his/her family, shopping, work, immediate surroundings). Can make him/herself understood in simple, routine situations dealing with a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and common topics. Can describe his/her background and education, immediate surroundings and other things associated with immediate needs in a simple way.

Can understand the main points when clear, standard language is used and the focus is on familiar topics associated with work, school, leisure time, etc. Can deal with most situations typically encountered when travelling in the language region. Can express him/herself simply and coherently regarding familiar topics and areas of personal interest. Can report on experiences and events, describe dreams, hopes and goals as well as make short statements to justify or explain his/her own views and plans.

Can understand the main contents of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics; also understands specialized discussions in his/her own primary area of specialization. Can communicate so spontaneously and fluently that a normal conversation with native speakers is easily possible without a great deal of effort on either side. Can express him/herself on a wide range of topics in a clear and detailed manner, explain his/her position on a current issue and indicate the benefits and drawbacks of various options.

Can understand a wide range of challenging, longer texts and also grasp implicit meanings. Can express him/herself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words frequently and noticeably. Can use the language effectively and flexibly in his/her social and professional life or in training and studies. Can make clear, structured and detailed statements on complex topics and apply various means of text association appropriately in the process.

Can effortlessly understand practically everything which he/she reads or hears. Can summarize information from various written and spoken sources, logically recounting the reasons and explanations. Can express him/herself spontaneously with high fluency and precision, and also make finer nuances of meaning clear in more complex topics.

German Language Exams

There are multiple exams and certificates to prove your German language skills. Before choosing the suitable one, you should take into consideration the differences between them and the reasons why you are seeking a German language certification (e.g. to study or work in institutions that require German ability or to apply for a visaresidence permit in Germany/Austria/Switzerland or for citizenship). The following, most common examinations and certificates are all commonly accepted by German authorities and institutions. You can prepare with Noctua Languages for any of these exams.

The German exams offered by the Goethe-Institut are internationally recognized and cater for all levels: from A1 for beginners to C2 for the highest language level. Achieving the “Goethe-Zertifikat“, can give a lot of benefits for students, visa seekers, or workers.

You can take your German examination at Goethe-Institute facilities worldwide, as well as with their examination partners near you. They have 6 different levels from A1-C2 for adults and the levels between A1 and B2 are offered for young people in a different format to enable them to access studies in German-speaking countries. 

Goethe offers the Goethe-Test Pro for professionals, which is a flexible online test that evaluates listening and reading competence quickly and reliably in the workplace. It can be taken either at one of the Goethe test centers worldwide or on the company’s premises. The test employs the methods of the renowned Business Language Testing Service (BULATS) and is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). and nursing professionals as well.

The other Goethe-Test for nursing professionals, the Goethe-Test PRO Pflege exam, is for adults who are already working in health care or who would like to do so in the future and can demonstrate their specialist language skills at an advanced language level comprises reading, listening, writing, and speaking components. The exam is offered at selected centers. Consistent standards are used worldwide for administration and evaluation.

You can read more about the Goethe exams on their official website: Goethe exams.

Taking a TELC (The European Language Certificates) exam in German in one of their 3,000 test centers worldwide is another alternative to provide an assessment for your German language skills at any level between A1-C2. It ensures you high quality and international recognition at universities, companies, and government authorities.

They offer different options depending on

– your age:

  • for young people: telc Deutsch A1 Junior/ telc Deutsch A2-B1 Schule (school) / telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule (university), Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer A2-B1 Jugendintegrationskurs (visa purposes)
  •  for adults: telc Deutsch A1-C2 (general exam)

– your purpose like visa purposes: telc Deutsch A1 für Zuwanderer

– profession:

  • for professionals, telc Deutsch A2-C1 Beruf 
  • nursing personnel: telc Deutsch b1-b2 Pflege
  • medicine: telc Deutsch B2-C1 Medizin (different types).

Please check out their website for more information about the different exam types: TELC exams.

The exam Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and developed in cooperation by the Goethe-Institut and telc gGmbH.

The Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer A2·B1 is the right exam for you if you need proof of your language competence when applying for German citizenshipIntegration courses end with this exam. But the exam can also be taken by anyone else wishing to do so in Germany. 

The DYZ examination  tests general language competence on two levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR. This examination offers you an evaluation of your language competence in all four skills – Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking. It documents exactly which CEFR level was achieved for each of the four skills.

For young adults aged under 27, attending a youth integration course, it is recommended to take the Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer A2·B1 (Jugendintegrationskurs).

More info about it is on the TELC website: DTZ exam.

The certificate issued upon successful completion of all four sections of the TestDaF exam at TestDaF level 4 will act as evidence of the language skills needed to gain admission to almost any subject and degree course at universities and institutions of higher education in Germany. The TestDaF language exam also provides internationally recognized evidence that your knowledge of German is sufficient to complete scientific projects and enter academic professions.

It is an advanced-level language exam. It covers levels B2 to C1 on the six-level scale of competence laid down in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

For more information about TestDAF please visit this link: TestDaF exam.

DSH (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang) is a university-level language proficiency test and is one of the most important requirements when you are planning to seek a degree in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc.  The test aims to gauge your abilities over reading, composing, listening, and talking abilities and various colleges and universities conduct this test independently. As you would be expected to study a course in the German language, your abilities and proficiency in basic skills in German will be evaluated.

DSH exam does not have a set format like other language proficiency tests, and can vary from one institution to another. However, the more-or-less the pattern of the test remains the same. The test is entirely focused on the classroom setup, and the questions would hence be based on scenarios that you may face while pursuing the course.

Students are tested on reading, writing, and listening comprehension, and undertake an oral examination. The DSH grades 1 – 3 are equivalent to CEFR levels B2 – C2.

More information about this language exam: DSH exam.

With the fide test you can have your German language skills tested. The test tasks are at levels A1 – B1 and relate to various everyday situations in Switzerland, such as at work, at the doctor’s surgery, or at the municipality. The fide test was developed on behalf of the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM). The fide test consists of an oral part («speaking and understanding») and a written part («reading & writing»). Anyone can take the exam over the age of 16. 

Please take into consideration, that this exam is only in Switzerland recognized for migrational purposes. 

For more information about this exam, please visit the official website: fide.

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