FAQ & Answers

Have any questions?

Your satisfaction and happiness are very important to us. Please read through this section, so that you are informed about everything important about the lessons and booking. 

If you still have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Thank you.

Taking online classes enables you to study from anywhere in the world. There is no need to commute from one place to another. So you not only save time, but you also save money as well, which can be spent on other priorities. The virtual classroom is available anywhere with an internet connection. You do not even have to live on the same continent to be able to access the classes! Is it not great?
Via online education, students gain access to very diverse materials and resources, such as apps, different websites, podcasts, videos, YouTube channels, and e-books online as well, and tutors can also integrate other formats like forums or discussions to improve their lessons. This enables a fast, dynamic, and variable learning environment that accelerates learning progress. And this extra content is available at any moment from anywhere, which offers a tailor-made education. Therefore, taking online classes whether in private or group setting allows you to have even better documentation of the lessons and a huge variety of tools. Diversity is important. And it is important to find the right tools for you. Not too much, the perfect ones for you. And if you prefer to work with a printed book and use your hands to write texts, or do your homework, it is no problem at all. I have students, who prefer to work this way. The key is, it has to suit you.

– Level assessment takes places before starting the courses

– You learn what you need, in the way and with the tools, which suit you the best
– You save a lot of time and money, because:
1. You don’t have to waste time with looking for materials, everything is provided according to your needs, interests and learning style.
2. Lessons are structured to maximize your progress.
3. Lessons are practical, you use what you learned.
4. Online support: you can ask me anything between the lessons
– We use a variety of tools to keep the lessons interesting
– Homework: you have the possibility to practice between the lessons
– You learn much more than you would learn alone with a book
– You will enjoy learning 🙂

Please find the available slots for the lessons in the booking system. If you cannot find the perfect slot for you, please consider choosing another one. There are some really popular times, which are harder to get. If you are unable to find a time that works for you, get in touch and we will try to do my best to find a slot for you. 

Bookings for private lessons are accepted up to 24 hours in advance. Once you pay for the lesson and the booking was successful, you receive a confirmation in your E-mail. The times of the booking are displayed in your time zone.

The special deal courses are only held if there are enough participants for the course. If we can not start a course because there are not enough participants, you might consider joining to another group at another time / do a Lesson for Two or try to take Private Lessons.

For more information about company classes, please contact us using the Contact form. 

You can cancel the private lessons up to 48 hours before the lesson start with 100% refund minus the service fee (10% of the class price). However, we advise you to find another time for the lesson and reschedule it instead of cancelling it. We hope, you understand that it is really hard to find someone else in that short period.

If you signed up for The special deal course, and can not make the group lesson due to sickness, vacation etc., if it is possible, we will try to find some extra time to add to the 30-min. private lesson to give you a quick review of the topic. The idea is that you take the 30-minute private class the same week as the group lesson.  If it is not doable, you can postpone the private lesson to the following week. As it is a group course, unfortunately, there is no refund possible.

Cancellation policies for company courses are due to the agreement with the company, depending on the lesson type group size, etc. The general rule is that group classes canceled 5 days in advance of the scheduled lesson are free of charge. 

Due to the long-year experiences, we had to set the following rules for the best satisfaction for all of us. We hope, it works for everyone. By booking a lesson, you agree to accept the above rules. Thank you so much for your cooperation and see you in the class.48

Taking online classes opens a lot of opportunities with access to different online tools which can help to accelerate the learning process. We understand, as well, that every one of us has her/his preferences, which we always take into consideration while tailoring the lessons according to your needs. Diversity is important, but too many tools can be overwhelming and distracting as well. That is why it is important to find the ones for you which can help you to optimize the learning process.

For most of the classes, especially for the general classes, you will have to purchase a coursebook and an exercise book, depending on your needs. These materials are not included in the prices of the lessons. It implies, for all the general classes, that we learn systematically following the curriculum of an internationally recognized course book. I will give you extra materials as well, which are included in the lesson price. 

If you learn for the exam, we will work with books for exam preparation, which are recommended to purchase. Extra materials are provided with no extra cost for you.

For the specific lessons, if there is a book available, we can use (e.g. you learn tourism, German for the office, etc.), you are asked to buy the book(s) we will work with. Extra materials are prepared for you to help you the most to achieve your goals.

In “The special deal” classes, we follow the curriculum of a coursebook and the associated exercise book/exam preparation book, which has to be purchased extra. If there is no existing book on the topic, the course materials will be prepared by Noctua Languages. Extra materials will be provided at no cost. 

The books you have to purchase are available in printed form and online as well, so you can learn in your preferred way. 

Extra materials are such as texts, grammar exercises, audio, video, Quizlet, etc. to help you to accelerate the learning progress.

With this special learning system, the combination of group and private lessons, you get the best combination of the different learning methods and the most effective approach to the successful learning of a new language. These innovative packages utilize a unique blend of group and private lessons to optimize your learning experience. The course book series prepare the students for international exams. It is an evolving process that combines a blend of text books, supplemental material, and various learning methods.
Every week, you participate in a group lesson for 90 minutes and a private lesson for 30 minutes. These are harmonized with each other. That is why it is important that you take the private lesson the same week if it is possible. The course goes in 4 week blocks, which ensures the progress.

The group lessons provide the social interaction necessary to gain confidence and practice interaction with other people that are on the same level. The group interaction also provides a relaxed and fun learning environment and creates a support group to help keep each other motivated.  This also prepares you for using the language in your everyday life and helps you feel comfortable in both work and social environments. The group lessons will be kept small to facilitate an intimate learning environment. 

The private lessons fine-tune your skills and help you overcome areas that you’re struggling with by providing a one-on-one lesson that focuses on your individual needs. They give you the chance to focus on practicing your speaking skills. They are flexible and can be scheduled to your convenience, but should be taken during the appropriate week of the group lessons.

If you have already taken German lessons before, before taking the classes, you are required to make an assessment which helps us to evaluate your current level and set the perfect lesson plan for you. After the test evaluation, we discuss the results together and also your extra needs and preferences.

There are multiple exams and certificates to prove your German language skills. Before choosing the suitable one, you should take into consideration the differences between them and the reasons why you are seeking a German language certification (e.g. to study or work in institutions that require German ability or to apply for a visaresidence permit in Germany/Austria/Switzerland or for citizenship). The following, most common examinations and certificates are all commonly accepted by German authorities and institutions.

Please find here more information about the most common German exams.

Please find here the description of the different levels according to the Goethe Institute. The description of the levels follows the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) which is an international standard for measuring the level of proficiency in many foreign languages, including German. CEFR levels are a widely accepted standard in German and other languages in the World. Preparing for an exam, you have to decide at first, which level do you want to or have to take to reach that level. After that, you can prepare for the exam itself. The different exam types you can find in the session German Exam Types. I can prepare you for every level. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me. Click here to get more information.

The big question. 🙂 And honestly, we can not tell you a certain time. It depends on so many different factors, how fast your progress is. Just to mention some, like your age, learning time, for sure your interests and motivation and even your mother tongue. According to the studies of the Goethe Institute, it needs the following amount of learning units (1 unit = 45 min. class) to achieve the different levels in German: A1 level: 80-200, A2: 200-350, B1: 350-650, B2: 600-800, C1: 800-1000. But please, take it into consideration that these are just statistics, and you have a life as well with all your stuff in it. 🙂 

If you are not sure about the lesson type or learning with me at all, you may book a trial lesson at first. This is a 30-minute session, where we will evaluate your level (if you are not totally a beginner) and understand your needs and goals. We can answer all your questions and if you decide to learn with me, we will create a learning plan for you. For the best results, you will be asked to fill out a written assessment as well.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your needs and how we can help you to accelerate your German learning process.